Repurposed Bread Box – Take Two

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This repurposed bread box is just one of many I’ve given a makeover to, and a new use for. They are great for so many other things besides bread!Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

It’s time to get back to work on making over all the things from the thrift store.
I mean, the thrift store is FULL after Marie Kondo’s new hit show on Netflix, right?
If you follow along on Instagram, you probably saw my story that said so!
So I need to get out there and snatch up all the goodies everyone is tossing!

Really though, I have a bunch of furniture that needs makeovers (and a bit of work on most of them before I can even begin), but I don’t have a lot of “smalls” to work with.
So I took a day off last week to spend it thrifting all my favorite shops. Fun, fun.
I hadn’t done that in a while and I’d forgotten the thrill of the hunt!

I didn’t find too much in the way of furniture (thank goodness, or I’d have had to buy it and I don’t have any room!! lol) but I did find some nice small items.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

I’ll be sharing these over the next few weeks. (by the way, less than 30ish dollars for all of this)
And maybe even one of the furniture pieces I shared in >>> this post.
We just bought a new shed and it’s being delivered the first week in February, so hopefully we’ll get me some space to work in our little garage soon!
Then we’ll bring all the furniture pieces over from the storage units to work on. Can’t wait to get busy on them. So many ideas.

The shed was a thrifty deal too, of course! My husband stopped by The Home Depot one day and they were selling the displays and he was able to snag one for almost half off. (plus already put together and delivered….deal!) Yippee!!
We sure need it, so excited to get that garage emptied and organized. A big goal for this year is being realized very soon.

Okay, today’s post is that little repurposed bread box you see up top.
I know, I know, another bread box? But hey, they are abundant at the thrift store and are great for SO many things, who can resist??
I sure can’t!

I plan to use this one for essential oils as the little boxes they sell for those are made for the tiny little oil bottles.
I have so many larger bottles, plus sprays that I’ve made that are bigger, etc, that a larger space would accommodate better.

You can, of course, also still use it for bread as you’ll see. It makes for a nice, neat, hidden spot to store it.

Repurposed Bread Box – Take Two

Here’s how it began…

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

And inside…

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Bleh….icky and nothing special.
But it’s going to be special in a few minutes.

I thought I’d just give it a light coat of paint but I wasn’t loving that.
I was also planning on doing some sort of stencil, maybe French typography or some other quote, etc.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

I scrapped that idea and decided to instead use a stencil with this “faux stone” product.
Similar to what I did with this project here >>> Dated Decor Turned Weathered Finished Tray
It’s such a neat effect that I’m planning on doing something similar to one of my furniture pieces.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

I taped the stencil to the front of the bread box where I wanted it positioned and applied the stone product.

I simply used a scraper tool to “scrape” the faux stone into and across the stencil.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Then remove the stencil right away and this is what you have…..

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

I scraped the remainder of the fine stone product on the stencil back into the jar to use for another time.
It’s funny that my little repurposed bread box which started out with a strong 70’s vibe, gets a makeover with another somewhat 70’s vibe.
That pattern reminds me of patterns that I grew up with as a kid in the 70’s, on clothes, purses, etc.
Don’t you agree??

Let that dry completely.
And boy, does that stuff get hard! And sharp! lol
I gave it a light sanding with 80-grit sandpaper (it’s tough stuff) to smooth it out a bit.

I didn’t even realize that I was missing a little “box/square” at the top right of the design. (see it there?)
I suppose that one didn’t stick. lol
So it got painted and then I noticed! (see below?)

I’m not sure why that didn’t jump out at me unpainted ( it sure does now!) but it did once painted.
No worries, I just added some of the stone product there and tried to shape it somewhat square-ish.
I wasn’t too worried about it being perfect because the whole look of the “stone” is organic.

I was also a little worried at this point that the faux stone would not show up when I painted the whole thing white.
I was thinking maybe I should have painted it another color and then put the stone product on top of that.

But it all worked out perfectly. Yay!
I love the understated simplicity of the design as is.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

I painted on a couple of coats of white paint, using >>> this paint, which has become my white-white of choice.
And sealed it with >>> this sealer, which I also used on my pretty white stain dresser.

Also, I had planned to put some pretty words, quote, etc, just under the design but ended up loving the simplicity of it without.

The inside also got a makeover.
I painted it and used a basic shelf liner from The Dollar Store. Love it because it’s sticky and ready to go.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

To measure the cuts, I used this handy cutter.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

So easy!
And looks so much better.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

And a close-up of that “stone”…

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Isn’t that so neat???

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Fun stuff to play around with, for sure.

So bread box???

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Sneak peek of the brand new kitchen that I will be doing a full reveal on this month.
You can find out all about that sexy new countertop >>> here. (Yes, I do think it’s very sexy! lol)

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

And the backsplash >>> here.
I do kind of love it here but I actually have something else that I use in this space so it won’t be staying.

But it really could, looks great I think!

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

And in use, of course.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

But here’s what I’m really planning to use it for.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

It’s tall and so nice for all of my essential oil and spray bottles. As I mentioned above, most of the essential oil boxes you buy on Amazon, etc, are too short for the taller bottles.
I don’t use artificial …well, pretty much anything.
I use diffusers to scent the air in my home, make my own home “fragrance” sprays to do the same and make cleaning solutions as well.
All natural, of course.
So I have large bottles of essential oils and spray bottles that I needed a larger space for.
I actually have way too many and they would never all fit in this little repurposed bread box. But I’d like to keep the things I use most often here.
I’m passionate about them and have been using them for well over 20 years now.

Want to know more about this?? I have a post right here all about it >>> Healthy Ways to Scent Your Home Naturally (plus recipes)
Here’s a great start, diffuser, and oils.

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Perfect little hideaway for them, don’t you think??

I’m pretty thrilled with how this one turned out. Especially considering how I didn’t have a very clear vision of my design plan when I began.
But let me tell you, that’s the best thing to do…..just begin.
If you are stumped at the beginning of a project and creativity is absent, just start it anyway.
Bet you’ll be surprised how that sparks your creativity into high gear!
Somehow it’s got those juices flowing. So just begin.

Want to see some of the other bread boxes I’ve done?? Check them out here:

PIN it to save it!!

Repurposed Bread Box - Take Two!! So many uses besides bread! Great storage idea! #repurposedbreadbox #breadboxmakeover #breadboxideas #storageideas

Think you’d love the “Fine Stone”, faux stone product?? Hmmm, I might just have to add that to my next giveaway I’m planning soon!
Yep! Another giveaway.
My birthday is right around the corner, and I’ve decided to gift y’all in celebration of being blessed by another year.
Keep an eye out for it! I’m excited to share all the goodies I have planned for you.

Don’t forget to stop back in on Thursday to see what I did to this!

UPDATE!! See it now, here!

Happy week, my friends.



  1. Wow, Nancy, that stone product and paint really made a huge difference for the bread box! Way to rock your “smalls” ! :)

  2. I love the way you work your magic. You would never know they are the same piece. I love the stone product and can’t wait to see what else you do with it.

    1. Aw thank you, Missy! :) I’m looking forward to playing a little more with this faux stone. I think it will look so lovely on a dresser front! xo

  3. Love this sooo much! I wasn’t familiar with the faux stone stencil product, it’s gorgeous! I also use oils and make sprays and I adore this idea. Thinking something like this would also be nice on the bathroom counter as a way to keep often used beauty products handy without looking cluttered. Thanks for sharing, I’m inspired! A friend just sent me a link to area estate sales this weekend so I may just have to search for a breadbox.

    1. Isn’t that faux stone fun?? So many possibilities! And that’s great you use oils and make sprays as well. Love that! Your idea for using it in the bathroom is perfect. Great idea! So many things these can be used for, really. Have fun at your estate sales and happy hunting! Those are my favorite to shop! xoxo

  4. I love these make overs!
    And that is genius with the faux stone!
    Now I need to come up with something to try it on!
    Thank you

    1. Thanks, Jody! :) The faux stone is fun stuff to work with. I am sure you can find something to try it on! ;) Have fun! xoxo

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