Hi, I’m Nancy!
Hey y’all!
I’m Nancy, an east coast girl who lives in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.
I love it here, right on the coast.
I’m a wife and mother of 2 … grown children. Wow, how did that happen so fast?
And… I am an Artsy Chick!
Yep, according to my husband, I am. He has called me his “artsy chick” since we met 34 years ago.
As a matter of fact, when I decided to write a blog, he was the one who came up with the name.
He’s awesome, I think I’ll keep him.
I’m a thrifting, painting, budget decorating kind of girl.
I’m always on the lookout for a bargain….and often find one!
I love “treasure hunting” (thrift store shopping) and making things pretty.
My husband and I love to DIY anything. Like our home of 18 years, for example.
You can read a bit about it here.
This blog is the place I come to share my love of all things creative…with you.
Tutorials, furniture makeovers, decor on a budget, and so much more.
I am enjoying re.storing & re.styling old, vintage furniture & home decor ….so it can be re.loved!
This “artsy chick” is …
…a huge goofball, young-minded (not sure I’ll ever really “grow up” which is fine with me!), a bit of type A and DIYer of all things.
I’m so happy to have you here and look forward to being able to share this “adventure” called life with you here on the blog!

Where you can find me!
Follow along with me over on Instagram where I share day-to-day projects, DIY home tutorials, home inspiration, our NC beach condo, our sweet Ryder boy, and more!