DIY “Most Wonderful Time Of The Year” Sign
I’m sharing how I made this now unavailable “Most wonderful time of the year” sign myself…for much cheaper!
This post was updated Dec/2020
In case you haven’t figured it out by now…I’m a graphics loving kinda girl.
I love old vintage signs, love graphics, and love anything DIY.
And I really love typography.
I love how there are so many different fonts to create so many wonderful signs.
So, it should come as no surprise whatsoever that I would fall in love with this fabulous holiday sign I saw in the most recent Pottery Barn catalog.
(which is no longer available, btw)
It had fun swirly letters and snowflakes! Kinda vintage-y.
Very pretty and right up my alley.
So I decided to make something similar holiday sign for my own holiday decor.
I jumped on my computer, picked the font I liked, and designed & created this graphic.
And you can too.
I’m going to show you how super simple it is.
Here is the printable I created for you to download.
If you are already a subscriber, you can click here, enter your password (it can be found near the top of all my emails to you), and download this or any other graphic I’ve created over the years. (over 100!)
If you aren’t yet a subscriber, you can click here or the pink box below to become one to gain access.
DIY It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year sign
I picked up the frame for $1 at our local ReStore, yep, ONE dollar…see? Cheap.
The print in the catalog had a dark frame so this was perfect BUT my vision for it was a little different.
Lighter and brighter, and a little more crisp and colorful.
So I sprayed the frame with a few coats of Valspar Satin Churchill Hotel Vanilla to get rid of the black color.
My husband cut a piece of board to fit for me. Pretty simple and inexpensive too.
You could use any kind of smooth backing/board here.
Here are the 2 pieces together before they were painted.
I painted the board (before placing it inside the frame) in a blend of Primer Red and Emperor’s Silk Chalk Paint.
Any red craft paint will do also.
Once both were dry I put the board back into the frame and stapled it in. You could also glue it to the inside of the frame as well.
Either way will work.
(and oh my goodness, I just realized I gave you 3 different sneak peeks of things I’ve yet to blog about but have just recently completed–>my new, no-sew curtain panels-2014, my “new” dining chairs -painted and recovered- and my Craigslist “Baker’s” hutch-2014— don’t look! ha)
I printed out the graphic I created onto a clear sheet and used my projector to transfer the lettering (not as crisp and easy to see as a transparency but it worked ok for this).
You can do it in multiple ways.
If you don’t own a projector you can use one of the other methods of transfers. I wrote an entire post to show all the different methods I use.
You can find it, here.
I planned to paint the lettering in with white paint so used a white watercolor pencil to transfer the letters and snowflakes.
Then came the fun part…”coloring in the lines” (just like when we were kids).
I actually love doing this, don’t ask me why because I am definitely a type-A girl but this is very therapeutic to me.
Very relaxing and slows me down. It requires my complete focus which is a good thing since my mind is always going a mile a minute.
To distress or not to distress?
I went back and forth a bit on that before I decided to leave it be.
Crisp and clean looking. No distressing for this sign. Unusual for me!
But I liked the look of it AS-IS.
I sealed it with a quick spray over of a super flat spray to keep the matte look but to add some protection since I used Chalk Paint.
Thanks to my dear husband for holding it up for the photo.
I really love how my DIY holiday sign turned out.
See? So easy!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…really! Now you have a sign to tell the world!
Or everyone that enters your home anyway.
I love it…and I love the splash of red to get us in the mood for the holidays.
I’ve used it in several places in our home over the years.
In our dining room before we turned it into a “morning room“.
And in our study/formal living before we turned it into our dining room.
Can you see it over there in the corner?
I’ve definitely gotten my use out of this pretty (and thrifty) sign!
Pin it to save it!
Have you started decorating yet? It seems everyone is earlier this year.
I usually wait until after Thanksgiving but as you can see I have started early myself.
How about you?
You may also like this project:
See it here >>> DIY Santa Sign Tutorial
Love your awesome cheery art Nancy! ;) so pinning! Thanks for the free download!
I LOVE it! So pretty! Thanks for the download and tutorial! And, yes, I’m almost done with decorating this year. It seemed we needed a little early Christmas cheer around here. ;)
Thanks so much Lisa! :) Wow, yes, it seems so many people are decorating earlier this year. Online and as I drive around in the area. I’m ok with it though! ;)
Wow, Nancy, you did such a great job! It’s absolutely perfect! I actually like it much better than the original Pottery Barn sign.
And thank you for the printable, too! So nice of you!
Hi Karen,
Aw thank you so much :) It’s really easy to do!! Promise! ;)
so pretty, I really love your beautiful sign, you did a beautiful job and it looks so much like the one from Pottery Barn but nicer because I prefer yours with the white frame :-)
pinning this now!
Thank you Ingrid :) I really liked the idea of a lighter color frame too…so glad others think so too!
Thanks for the pin as well! :)
LOVE it Nancy- definitely pinning!!
Hey Krista!
Thanks so much! And thanks so much for the pin :) Hope you are doing well friend!
So sweet! I love your signs. :) Sharon
Thank you so much Sharon :) How are you?! We need to catch up! ;)
Love this cheery message for holiday decor. I’ve got to get a projector for home use. Yours is way more modern that the 1970’s one that I still have in my classroom.
Thank you Paula :) It is definitely a cheery and feel good sign! Yes, you do need to get one…they make things so much easier!
It turned out so awesome Nancy! I love it! ~Sonya
Thanks Sonya! Now to finish and decorate! ;)
LOVE this! I like your rendition even better than Pottery Barn’s. And I’m still amazed that you can paint letters by hand like that. Incredible. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Nancy!
~Abby =)
Aw thanks so much Abby :) So sweet!
Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving as well, friend!
Your sign turned out fantastic! Now I need to make one. It is really lovely and you did such a great job on the letters. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Debbie :)
Thanks so much! And yes, you do need to! It’s really very easy to do too.
I adore this project. SO MUCH! It turned out great! I definitely need a projector in my life!
Aw thanks so much Megan! Yes, you do need a projector! ;) It does make it easy to do the big projects too.
Looks fantastic!!
Thank you Shelly :)
This looks great Nancy – where did you ever get an overhead projector? It takes me back to my school days! Why not join our All Things Christmas Linky Party going on now! We would love to see it there!!!!!! Trisha — Happy Thanksgiving!! I know this will be a very hard one, but just remember you are never alone and your mom will be joining you all in spirit.
Thanks so much Trisha :) I got that overhead from Craigslist for around $40. School days, yes most definitely!! ;) Thanks for the invite!
And yes, it will be very hard without my Mom there with us but she is always with us in spirit, you are right.
Thank you so much for thinking of that and your thoughtful words! It really means a lot. xoxo
Nancy! This is fantastic absolutely love it, you did a wonderful job, I so want a sign like this!!!
Thanks friend! :)
I. Love. This!!!!!
Thank you Andi!! :)
It sure makes the room look festive!
It turned out great! Got to love that overhead!!! My new favorite toy! ~Christy
Thanks Christy!! :) Yes, I love mine too!!
Love your sign. I do signs similar to it too. Not sure if you mentioned this, but the wording could also be reversed and painted on the back side of the glass. Tape the words to the front of the glass, trace and paint. (Paint pens work great) Or if you have a Silhouette or Cricut the words could be cut out of vinyl. Either for the front of the glass or the back. Depending what look you want.
Merry CHRISTmas!
Hi Jeanie!
Thanks so much! :) Oh yes, paint pens. I have just finished a few projects with them. (Christmas gifts!) It was my first go with the chalk pens but I love them. And that’s a great idea about the glass. I have seen that done a time or two but not done any that way myself. I do paint over a lot of glass in frames but this particular one is board that I had my husband cut for me to fit the frame. But I will keep that in mind! :)
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Hi! Thank you for a great tutorial! Can you tell me a little more about printing onto the clear sheet for your projector? I have a project that needs to be enlarged and I think using a projector might be the answer. Did you use your regular printer and where do you find the clear sheets? I don’t have a projector but I THINK I might be able to borrow one from the school or maybe the library?
Thanks in advance for any help :]
Hi Nikki,
Sure! I got mine from Craigslist. You can find them on there all day long (not pricey at all)! ;) But if you have one to borrow, even better.
Save your graphic to a thumb drive, take it to Office Max and have them print it on transparency. That’s the easiest way (and cheap!).
I have printed a few on some sticky clear label paper I had but it’s not ideal. (it’s when I’m in a hurry and don’t get to OM)
Hope that helps!
What size of frame did you use?
Hi Adrianna,
I’m sorry, I don’t recall. It was a frame from the thrift store so wasn’t labeled. It’s in storage right now but when I take it down to decorate I will try to update the post for you. :)
The sign is beautiful, thanks for the printable, I want to do it, soon !! … =)
El letrero quedo hermoso , gracias por el imprimible , quiero hacerlo pronto!!… =)
Hi Nancy,
I’m a subscriber for a few years. I love your signs and would like to make this one using an old kitchen cabinet door. I can’t find the password for the printable library so I can download. When I click for access and enter my email, it says I’m already subscribed (which I am) but it doesn’t let me in!
Your password is included with eache email she sends out. Then, all you have to do is come here, click “printables”, and where it shows the library, click “log in” and enter the password there. That should do the trick for you!
Hi Susan! It looks like Chris answered and that is exactly correct! The password is in every single email I send. Hopefully, you were able to access it by now! :) xo
That is a terrific copy-cat, Nancy! I like yours much better than the inspiration one – and the price was way better, had to be! Well done!
Thank you, Michele! :) xoxo
I also like your sign better than the PB one! Here is how creative (aka lazy) I am: there are so many wonderful gift bags and wrapping papers available now, I framed the front panel of a gift bag that had a lovely scene and holiday greeting on it. I can change the gift bag with the holidays and every Christmas if I want to.
Keep on inspiring all of us and have a wonderful holiday.
Aw, thanks, Sue! And yes, that is an awesome (and very smart!) idea! Love it! I do the same with Christmas cards. :) I hope you have a wonderful holiday too! xoxo