Basket Update For Spring (napkin decoupage)

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Pretty little basket update for spring! Fresh paint and a colorful spring floral napkin create a beautiful new look!

Hello beautiful friends! I am SO happy spring is here. Now I just wish it would feel like it or stay feeling like it!! Haha! This weather is such a tease, I tell ya. I’m so ready for the warmer weather…and sunshine!

With that, I have a fun springtime update for you today, a basket update for spring.

I love making over baskets. Most are plain and sort of orangey colored. Well, this one is ORANGE colored but not in the same way. And I’m guessing it was something for fall with the “THANKFUL” across the front.

I liked the shape of it and thought it’d be much prettier in a different color.

Basket Update For Spring

Here is how it looked “before”…

bright orange basket

I began by taping the handles and spraying the whole basket with this primer.

basket painted white

Then I painted the bottom half in Upper Canada green.

paintbrush painting basket green

Which is the perfect color for spring!

And the top half in Picket Fence.

basket white top green base

Next, I pulled out my napkins to see which one I wanted to use on the basket.

wildflower napkin

I decided on this one.

floral napkin

If you missed it, I’m selling packs of these napkins so you can make pretty stuff too! I only have a few left.
You can find them here.

I used this napkin on the inside.

green napkin that say's it's time to bloom

green napkin in bottom of inside of basket

I cut out closely around the design.

cutting out the floral napkin

And then played around with where I wanted to place it on the basket.

floral napkin on side of basket before applying

NOTE: Always be sure to separate all layers. You only one the one layer that the print is on.

pulling napkin apart

Originally, I decided to raise the napkin so the top portions would be in the white area. Well, that left this gap at the bottom. I thought it would be okay since when it’s sitting you don’t really see that area the way the basket is shaped.

showing where napkin is going on basket

I used our Decoupage & Transfer Gel to attach the napkin.

decoupage gel jar with brush

Gently pushing in the crevices, etc.

applying the napkin to the basket

Remember to use plastic wrap over the top so you won’t tear the napkin. It’s very thin and fragile.

using plastic wrap over napkin

Even though you can’t really see that bottom area when it’s sitting, I hated this missing part!

adding more napkin to the bottom of the basket

So I cut the rest of the napkin to use along the bottom here.

showing the side of the decoupaged basket

It doesn’t match up exactly but I love it so much better. Plus I really wanted the napkin to flow up onto the white so I’m okay with this.

I also didn’t love that the napkins didn’t quite make it to the sides and handles.

showing side of basket that does not have napkin decoupage

So I used some of the leftover napkin on each side.

showing how I am going to add more napkins to the sides

Once it was done, and DRY, I sprayed the whole thing with this sealer.

Lastly, I removed the tape from the handles.

removing the blue tape from handles

And done!

Sweet little basket update for spring.

white and green basket with floral napkin decoupage on white top

white and green basket with floral napkin decoupage on white top

I realize that you can’t really see the green as much as I’d hoped but you can tell it’s a different color under there.

Love putting little “surprise” things inside the baskets/buckets/whatever!

inside of basket with green napkin that says it's time to bloom

So glad I decided to do the very bottom and wrap the napkin around the sides.

white and green basket with floral napkin decoupage on white top

PIN it to save it!

Pretty little basket update for spring! Fresh paint and a colorful spring floral napkin created a beautiful new look!

I hope you have a wonderful (and warm) spring weekend! Happy Easter, friends!



  1. Beautiful!! Decoupage art work, seems like brain surgery to me. Working with such a thin layer of napkin, must be difficult. I can imagine that mine would turn out more of an apocalypse basket,🙄than a spring fresh decor, work of art. 😁.. All blessings to you.

  2. This is so pretty. Love that color green. I’d be nervous that the paper would rip where the indents of the slats are. You are a decoupage master lol. I can picture a purple or pink African Violet plant sitting in this. So pretty. Can’t wait to try a project with your napkins. They are all so pretty. Happy Spring. Happy Easter.

    1. Hi Debra! Light green shades are so perfect for spring. Yes, the paper could rip there but the the sealer does actually help to stiffen it up a bit. Oh yes, that would be so pretty with one of those inside! I might have to do just that. Hope you are enjoying the napkins! Happy spring to you. xoxo

  3. Hi Nancy? I have decopauged a basket just like this with napkins and I loved how it turned out. Your napkins are so pretty so I hope you have some left because I’m going to order some. Thank you for sharing this.

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