Elderberry Stand with Blossomed Beauties Transfer

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The Blossomed Beauties Transfer is so pretty. Add in the rich and luscious Elderberry paint and it’s a win! 

Hello beautiful friends! I hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday and week so far! Today is Trash to Treasure Transformation Tuesday. That’s a mouthful, ha!
I love this day as my friends and I get together and share our latest “trashy” finds with you. All made over pretty and ready to be reloved.

So be sure to scroll all the way down to see what they’ve got going on today.

For me, you might remember I popped over to the ReStore last week and came home with some goodies. (I shared it over on Instagram at the time) This little table was one of them.

Elderberry painted small table with green plant and book, with basket

I used our new “Elderberry” shade which is just luscious. We have a bunch of new shades in our shop!
Wood Wick
Carriage House
Manor Green
Cast Iron

And I used our new Blossomed Beauties transfer too. We’ve also got a bunch of new decor transfers in too. You can find those, here.

Elderberry Stand with Blossomed Beauties Transfer

Here is what it looked like when I found it.

small wood table before

It was a bit chipped up and pretty beat up honestly.

I lightly sanded it all over before doing anything since it was so chipped up everywhere. I wanted to smooth it out and also take a bit of the shine off the finish.

small wood table sanded

Then I pulled out my TSP Alternative and cleaned it up before painting.


Then I painted one coat of our new “Elderberry”. Which is just the most beautiful color!

small wood table painted one coat

It looks a little red in the photo above. It’s not red. It’s more purple-y maroon.

Here are my two hanging out with me on the porch as I was doing part of this project.

white dog looking from behind table

small gray and white puppy playing with toy bunny

If you missed it, we recently added to our family! You can read all about Piper here.

After that was dry, I added a second coat and let it dry completely before adding the Blossomed Beauties transfers below.

transfer sheet laying on shelf of table

I laid them around for ideas for placement. I had thought I’d stagger corners.

So that is what I did.

transfer sheet pieces laying together on bottom shelf of table

This Blossomed Beauties transfer set is so pretty. I broken mine up on the shelves but it sure would be pretty done like this too…

wood dresser with blossomed beauties transfer

Anyway, after I got all the transfers on, I wasn’t sure I loved it! lol
But I continued on anyway and added a coat of Matte Toughcoat Topcoat.

elderberry painted table front with transfers

This is the “front” and how I thought it would be displayed.

elderberry table painted with transfers

Afterward, however, I decided I liked it better this way.

elderberry table painted with transfers

I think the table and the transfers look better this way.

elderberry table with transfers

Or you could do it this way too if you want less of the transfers, and more of the pretty paint.

elderberry table with transfers

Styled up a bit.

elderberry table with transfers and green plant with book and basket

elderberry table with basket and green plant and book

Up close of the pretty transfer and how I wrapped it around the shelves and edges.

up close of shelf with transfer

up close of top with transfer

up close of bottom with transfer

I just love how this transfer looks against that pretty and rich looking Elderberry paint.

elderberry table with transfers styled with decor

Meanwhile…Piper is bravely checking out Ryder’s bed and bones as Ryder looks on. Haha!

white dog laying in living room with large dog bed small puppy exploring inside

Girl, you are asking for trouble!! lol

So do you love this new color as much as I do?? Wouldn’t it be gorgeous on a dresser in a bedroom? Or as a statement piece in a living room??
I sure think so.

PIN it to save it!

The Blossomed Beauties Transfer is so pretty. Add in the rich and luscious Elderberry paint and it's a win! artsychicksrule.com

Don’t forget to visit my friends below!

  1. Salvaged Inspirations
  2. Confessions of a Serial DIYer
  3. Prodigal Pieces
  4. Girl in the Garage

Have a blessed week! See ya back here on Thursday!



  1. Hi, Nancy. I love the table makeover. The Blossomed Beauties transfer is so pretty – I’ll have to get that one, for sure. I also want to tell you how much I appreciate that you put your finished product at the top of your blog post. It helps to see the final product first and then read how you got there. Thanks for that! :-)

    1. Thanks, Denise! Yes, I just love this pretty transfer and can see it being used in so many ways! Oh, you are welcome! I don’t always do that but I’ll try to remember that. :) xo

  2. Hey friend! A couple questions for you. When you painted this table did you start with it upside down? Did you paint the undersides of each shelf? I also seem to have problems with getting the paint to dry. Thank you!

    1. Hey Elle! No, but I do sometimes. It’s easier to get to some of the areas that way. Also, I don’t always paint the underside of pieces, it just depends. Which paint do you have trouble getting to dry? Fusion??

  3. What a rich and luscious color. I like the transfers they way you did them. You’d never guess it is the same table ever.

  4. That was pretty trashy, Nancy. I barely noticed the shapely Queen Anne legs before! The transfer is beautiful and suits the table well.

  5. I love the color! It really made a difference in the look of that table. I don’t care for transfers on furniture but they do look pretty on this one. I think if you hadn’t added them, the table would be much to plain. I personally would have blended another color in and created some faded areas but that’s only because I wouldn’t use transfers and the table needs something more. It’s too early and faded was the only word I could come up with..lol!

    1. Thanks, Shirley! It really did. And oh, yes, that would have been lovely too!! I did something similar on our coffee bar dresser. I need to utilize that look/technique more often! xo (and I get you on the word lol!!)

  6. Beautiful! When I scrolled down to the first picture with the light shining in and reflecting off the color, I gasped. I love this color; now.

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