Garage Sale Chair Transformed with Chalk Paint

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Hey everyone, I have been away from the blog for a little while……taking some much needed time…..
……….and I have missed you all. The blog, writing and sharing, the readers and all of my wonderful blogger friends I have made since I started this blog. Love you all!
It’s a bit hard jumping back in and writing this post as it is one that is close to my heart with the words I will write. But I wanted to share a project with you all that I was working on (and finished) just before.

But first I want to say how overwhelmed and moved I was by the outpouring of love and thoughtfulness so many of you expressed with the beautiful emails, messages and comments you left/sent to me on my blog about my Mother’s passing. I can NOT express in words just how much each and every single one of you touched me with your words. Thank you so much for that….and thank you for taking the time to comment/message me.

Your words not only comforted me but my family who read them as well (especially my Dad).

So again…THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, each and every one of you….much love to you all, xoxo


This chair I’m sharing today was a gift for my great nephew’s 1st birthday. Around the same time my Mom was diagnosed we also found out my niece was pregnant with my parents first great grandchild.

Such a blessing. In perfect timing.

My Mom kept saying she was going to live to see that baby born. And that she did. He was the light and joy of her days. Not only did she live to see him be born but she actually made it to his first birthday. Which we are all so grateful for. On Friday the 19th of July (his actual birthday) I met my niece over at my Mom’s to give him his very first haircut so she could watch (I used to be a hairstylist many years ago so my niece asked if I’d like to do it…yes! ).  It was a happy day….and also the last memory of time spent with my Mom. We left the next morning to go on a family vacation. My Mom passed away less than a week later. Sadly, she missed his party that she was so looking forward to attending that was to be the following Saturday.

But I am grateful that my last day with her, that last memory, was a happy one…and one she felt such joy in seeing her great grand baby getting his first “big boy” haircut.


I picked the chair up for 5 dollars at a garage sale about a year ago with the intention to paint it for my new great nephew.

Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint

My niece’s husband is a huge Cleveland Brown’s fan (which we all give him give him a bunch of mess over…all in good fun, of course!) I am always giving them things with Cleveland Brown’s logos/themes on them. So when it came time to paint this chair I went back and forth on whether I should do yet ‘one more thing’ with the Brown’s on it…….yes, why not.  They’ll love it.
And they did.


Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Before

I painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Barcelona Orange…..and Brown. No, Annie Sloan does not have a nice chocolatey brown color BUT I created one.  I had tried to several times in the past but could never come up with a nice one. Not this time. This time I got it spot on! And, with more or less of each color you can control the shade of brown you want. Perfect.

Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Before Graphics
(That is my “Baker’s Hutch” behind it. <<< (update, see it now, here!!)I’ll have a post on that coming up)

Now, ratios….I have no clue. I know, that’s terrible but I just mixed and mixed until I got the color I wanted. I will come up with some sort of ratio and update this post..but if you have these 3 colors you can play around and come up with brown…promise. (Basically, more of one or the other gives you a darker “dark chocolate” brown, “milk chocolate” brown, light brown, etc. I will come up with ratios for several different shades of brown and update soon)

Make the Color Brown with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

I printed off some graphics from the computer and used the pencil shading method of transfer. (shading the backs of the images with the pencil and then turning it over, placing where it will go, taped it down with painter’s tape and traced over the image. The pencil shading from the back transfers to the chair)

Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Graphics

Next, I painted it in by hand using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint colors in Pure White, Graphite and the Brown I mixed up.

Want to know about 26 other chalk style paints?
I’ve got the low down for you right here! >>> 26 Types of Chalk Style Paint For Furniture

I also put his first and last name on the same two back slats that say ” I am Aunt Nay Nay’s – sweet nephew”.

Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Top ViewGarage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Seat

And no, the “sweet nephew” is not centered perfectly…..that’s because I had an “oops”. I printed it out as “sweet newphew”. I had it almost completely painted in when my husband said, “um, honey, I don’t think that’s how you spell “nephew”. ” Um, no? Really? I know that. How crazy is it that I didn’t catch that at any point before that! Thankfully he did. So, instead of painting over the whole thing I just painted over the letters from the “e” over….which left it a tad uncentered.  I’d much rather it be uncentered than have it say “newphew”!

No distressing at all on this piece.

Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Side

Finished up with 2 coats of Annie Sloan Clear Wax (spaced about a week in application).

Garage Sale Chair Makeover with Chalk Paint Finished Top

And in case you didn’t figure it out already….I am “Aunt Nay Nay”. :)

Easy transformation with Chalk Paint and some fun graphics.

I can’t wait to share what I did with this old table!! Be sure to check back later this week so you can see!

UPDATE!!! You can see it now, here!!


Signature for Blogsmall


  1. I’m one that likes to center things too. I had picked up that it wasn’t centered but thought you did it on purpose to keep the chair a little more ‘relaxed’… really nicely done… Patricia Ann

  2. Welcome back Nancy and what a great gift {and keepsake} for your nephew. Our house is almost completely built and as soon as we move in I plan on trying ASCP on all the projects I’ve got planned. Thanks for sharing how you did this.

  3. Again, Im so sorry for your loss. I love the chair. My own mother just passed away yesterday morning. It’s so hard. I have a tough next few days.

    1. Thanks so much Christy.
      I am SO sorry to hear that your mother also passed away. Yes, it is so very hard. I understand how you are feeling and know this is a tough time. I will keep you in my thoughts. xo Nancy

  4. Hi Nancy, I know how you must feel, my mom passed away a year ago March, words cannot describe the day to day feelings, I will keep you in my prayers. On another note, I say you are Aunt Nay Nay…..It caught my eye cause my son, Billy, started called our daughter Shannon, NayNay when they were babies….She is 16 and I still call her that!

    God bless you and your family, especially your dad – Trisha

    1. Hi Trisha,
      I’m so sorry to hear that you have also lost your mother. You are right, no words to describe any of this so far really. I imagine it will get easier to live with as time goes on but I don’t think the huge feeling of loss will ever go away. Thank you for the kind words and prayers. xo
      Yes, I became “Aunt Nay Nay” (easier to say than Nancy) which is funny because my daughter was nick named Nay Nay in high school (she is 20)…but her name sounds nothing like that. It was just a random thing a friend of hers came up with and it stuck. :)

    1. Hey Christy! Thanks…it feels good to be back… I have missed chatting with you. :) Yes, the chair fits him perfectly, for now~ Nancy

  5. Oh Nancy, I love this! AND the story of the special memory with your mom and nephew was beautiful! AND the fact that you misspelled the word and told us about it…THE BEST! Many prayers for you friend. I’m still looking forward to us meeting.

    1. Hi Sonya :) Thank you.
      And oh yes, I always feel compelled to reveal all here on the blog! Even the “oopsies”! I love reading about other people’s too! ;)
      We will meet one of these days. We have close friends not too far from you and Christy, we’ll have to plan a meetup or something next time we come down that way!

  6. Hi Nancy, welcome back after such a sad time. I have been through the same with my dear Mom. I was 12 years ago, and I miss her every day. The good part is I know that she sits on my shoulder always as loving and as encouraging as always. Your post is wonderful. Glad to see you enjoying Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan, and you have a very lucky little nephew!


    1. Hi Debbie,
      Thank you and I’m so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone as close as a mother. I know not a day will go by that I will not miss her as well but you are so right…they are both with us still. :)
      And yes, I just love this paint!

  7. Nancy! First I’m so glad that you have taken that step to come back and blog even if it’s a slow process. I’m happy to see you and your posts.

    Now the really cute chair!! I just think it’s adorable and you are a sweet Nay Nay to make that for him. And, you Mom is looking down on you smiling and loving the chair as well!


    1. Hey Denyse! Thank you…and yes, slowly getting back into my routine. :) Might even paint something this week~

    1. Hi Krista~ Thank you so much. :) We are all coming along and adjusting to this very different life. Taking it day to day.
      The chair was fun …I love making hand made gifts. :)

  8. What a sweet little chair for him! It’s good to see you posting. I’ve missed you! I hope your family is still taking some time together and it’s wonderful to hear you had such a wonderful day with her before. Prayers continue for you and your family- XOXO

    1. Hi Mandy,
      Thanks so much! And thank you for missing me too! :) Yes, we are all still spending a lot of time together and with my Dad. We are trying to keep him occupied..he is so lonely without her.
      Thank you for the continued prayers. xoxo Nancy

  9. So sweet! And what a very touching story you shared. I hope that getting back to your creative endeavors will help you heal with your grief too. Your family is very blessed to have you sharing this talent with them. Have a lovely weekend. -K

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you :) I do think getting back into my routine and getting back to painting, etc, will help fill my days and in turn help me to heal. Thanks for the sweet words…I do love to paint and make many of the gifts that I give. Hope you had a great weekend. xo Nancy

  10. Beautiful chair Nancy! I can’t believe you hand painted that, if i did that it wouldn’t have come out so clean looking! So happy you got to spend such a beautiful day with your mom cutting your great nephews hair <3

  11. Welcome back, friend! It is so great to see your wonderful posts again! What a cute chair (though we are Steelers fans, so I can’t say I love the logo ;). I’m sure your nephew absolutely loves his special gift from “Aunt Nay Nay!” Hope you’re having a great week!

    ~Abby =)

    1. Hey Abby,
      Thanks so much! :) That is so funny because, yes, we are big Steelers fans over here too in this household so we are always messing with them about the Browns. You should see my son (15) and my niece’s husband during football season…it’s hilarious!

  12. Awe, the chair came out so beautiful! And the significance behind it is even more lovely. I live in Miami, and the Dolphins play the Browns in Game 1. It will be exciting to watch! Thanks so much for sharing! xoxo

  13. Hi Nancy,
    First let me say I’m so sorry about your mother’s passing. My mom passed away when I was 6 months pregnant with my, now, 4 year old. Its very difficult, but we all muddle thru somehow.
    I’m new to your blog. I saw the chair on Pinterest. I love it, even tho I’m a Packers Fan. We moved to Wisconsin last year, and that seems to be a requirement here! lol. I LOVE the orange and brown tho! It looks great.
    What drew me in was the lettering/logo. I was a bit bummed for myself when I saw you hand painted it. Yay for you! Its awesome, Not me! I cannot handpaint letters, logos or anything! I’m looking to do a Case International Tractor step stool for my son. Hubby built the stool, I have the chalk paint drying now .. just need to figure out the logo thing.
    Anyway, you’re in my thoughts now. Losing a mom is just indescribable. I feel for you, Nancy.
    Can’t wait to read more of your blog!!

    1. Hi Penny :)
      Thank you so much. And wow, I am so sorry for your loss as well. It is hard and yes completely indescribable. Have lost so many others during my lifetime but I was so unprepared for this loss. As I am sure you know all too well.
      As far as the letters go, I am sure you can do it! Just print them off to size and transfer them onto your stool. Then hand paint in the lines. I did the same type of transfer in this post here…. .
      Try it! I’d love to see it once it’s done. :) Sounds adorable.
      All the best,

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Thank you! :) Yes, there are so many opportunities with the furniture out there! Hope you are having a great week.

  14. Hi Nancy,
    I am very sorry to hear that you lost your mom :( I must be very hard for you – I have you in my thoughts and prayers …
    I want to ask you – how did you achive that nice, brown color on this gorgeus chair?
    I will be painting my kitchen cabinets soon and I want to use Annie Sloan chalk paint …

    With love,

    1. Hi Kinga,

      Thank you so much for your thoughts and kind words. It has been and still is very hard.

      The brown I happened upon by mixing up the 3 colors pictured there in the post. I don’t have exact measurements unfortunately since I was just trying to “get” to a brown shade. (and didn’t really think I’d be able to) But I am telling you, those 3 colors will make beautiful varying degrees of brown (darker, more brown, lighter, really, many shades of brown, etc). Just play around with them until you achieve the exact shade you are looking for. :)

      Hope that helps!

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