Antique Mailbox Flower Arrangement

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Unique vessels, like this antique mailbox, make the perfect accompaniment for spring flowers!

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! #antiquemailbox #springflowerideas #springfloralarrangement

I am SO happy spring is here, so I’m sharing yet one more spring goodie today.

Gosh, it was probably last year that I came across a metal antique mailbox like the one I’m sharing today. (at Micheal’s)
I actually put it in my cart and considered buying it. BUT I had a bunch of other things in my cart and didn’t really have a plan for the mailbox at the time.
So thrifty me put it back. 

Darn, I’ve been thinking about that thing every since! lol

Until last week when I came across one exactly like it (although a different color) at Marshall’s. Yippee!
In my cart it went…and stayed this time. ;)

I had a plan for it this time. But it didn’t really matter if I didn’t, I wasn’t letting it get away.

Antique Mailbox Flower Arrangement

Here’s what it looked like when I found it….

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! #antiquemailbox #springflowerideas #springfloralarrangement

It was $24.99.
A little much for cheapy me but oh well. It had to come home with me.

Green is a great color for spring but it isn’t what I use much of so I knew I’d be painting it.
Plus, I wasn’t loving that faux rusted “distressed” look going on.

So I gave it my own distressed look.
Starting out by painting it black….

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it black.

I just used a basic black spray paint in Satin finish.


Once that was dry, I brushed on some Duck Egg Blue Chalk Paint with a chip brush.
One thin coat is all that was needed. I didn’t want full coverage.

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! Duck Egg Blue

Once that was dry, I went back over the high points, and anywhere else I wanted to remove paint, with a damp paper towel.

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! distressed

Spray painting with a semi-glossy finish beforehand makes it really easy to wipe away some of the paint.
This is especially easy when using something like Chalk Paint or Milk Paint over regular latex or spray paint.

Distressed Duck Egg Blue

Then I sealed it up with this top coat sealer.

Next, I filled it up with colorful flowers.
I thought about using all white but there’s just something about spring that says “colorful” to me.
So I added all the colors in.
I will probably change it to all white for the summer months. That, or just greenery.

Adding flowers to antique mailbox

I just used what I had on hand leftover from other projects.

I posted a sneak peek of this over in my Instagram stories as I was working on it.
If you follow along with me over there, you might have seen it.

Want to see some of these projects in “live” time? Hop on over and follow along with me on INSTAGRAM. I’m always sharing in my stories as I’m doing projects, finding new furniture, fun finds….just all the day to day behind the scenes. 

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! for porch

I already had a screw screwed into our brick but it was a little high.
So decided instead of adding another, I’d just hang it from the screw with fishing line.

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! porch decor

Our poor hall tree has seen some weather up here on the porch…and it’s now showing it.
If you haven’t seen that project, you can read more about it here >>> “$35 Hall Tree – Porch Decor

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! hall tree on porch

It’s actually done quite well until recently. It’s been out here for 6 years now.

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! porch decor

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! rockers on porch

But it’s kind of like the rest of the front porch. All in need of a major overhaul.
Which it’s getting in the next few months.
New windows, new paint, new front door/sidelites. (can NOT wait for this one)

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! front door eucalyptus wreath

So please look past the chipping paint and just overall “aged” appearance of it all.
Our house is 40 years old.
We painted out here when we moved in but it’s been 15 years, so it’s due for a touch up, re-do.
Real life, right here. :)

I love this sweet welcome mat I found a while back.
You can find it >>> here.
The black and gray mat underneath came from Lowe’s.

I’m loving this simple faux eucalyptus wreath I picked up at TJ Maxx a couple of weeks ago.

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! eucalyptus wreath

I’m so happy with how my sweet little antique mailbox floral arrangement turned out.

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! #antiquemailbox #springflowerideas #springfloralarrangement

It looks so happy and is a nice addition to our porch.

If you come across an antique mailbox like this, snatch it up! Don’t be like me, and pass it by. ;)

PIN it to save it!

This sweet antique mailbox makes the perfect spot for spring flowers!! Even if it's the wrong color! Just paint it! #antiquemailbox #springflowerideas #springfloralarrangement

Come back by later this week for this makeover!

UPDATE!! See it now here!!

I hope you have a wonderful and blessed spring weekend!



  1. Completely adorable Nancy! Thank you for the brilliant tip of spraying with sealer before putting on the duck egg blue. This looks great on your porch. Way to go!!!

  2. i love how the distressing really brings out the birdie – my thing! i just bought a vintage mailbox myself, but no bird on it – darn! this one looks great on your porch and really says ” SPRING!” great job!

    1. Thank you, Lauri! I usually get most of my flowers from Michael’s when they have them 50% off. You can sometimes find them at the thrift store too! :)

  3. Love the easy projects sometimes! Good tip about the chalk paint over the spray paint. Thanks!

  4. Adore this! I have seen vintage style mailboxes like this for closer to $50, so you still got a good deal! They are so charming! I need to get to work on my porch now❤️

    1. Thanks so much, Vicki! OH yay! That’s good to hear. I’ve been working on ours all weekend! Getting sort of happy with how it’s looking! ;) xo (work in progress, always!)

    1. Me too! Well, since I found this one, I keep seeing them everywhere online. I’m so happy I came across another one in person. Thank you, Lizzy! xoxo

  5. Nancy, I have a question. You mentioned that you painted it first in black satin finish. Then later it was mentioned that after chalk painting, you rubbed some off with damp cloth, and that it makes it easier after painting with semi-gloss. So is the black paint satin finish or semi-gloss? Just confused and thought I’d check before doing this to my mailbox. You did a great job–really looks great!

    1. Hi Linda, yes, I’m so sorry for the confusion, I did say that! Oops. I meant a semi glossy-ish, shiny surface (satin, semi gloss or gloss) underneath the chalk paint. I’m going to have to go change that because I can totally see the confusion. Either finish will work. :) Good luck with yours!! xoxo

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