With Thanksgiving In My Heart Sign

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With thanksgiving in my heart, what a beautiful sentiment. And perfect sign for Thanksgiving too!

Hello beautiful friends! I’m sharing a little repurposed makeover today.

Remember my old kitchen? Before the second remodel?? Well the island, specifically, here, go look… DIY Kitchen Island Makeover

Well, I saved a bunch of those drawer fronts to make stuff with.

Here is a couple I’ve done already:

Today I’m giving this small one a new look. 

aqua colored old drawer front

With Thanksgiving In My Heart Sign


I began by sanding the top well. All the way down to the wood.

drawer front that has been sanded down to the wood

I filled in the holes with wood putty and let it dry, then sanded it smooth.
Unfortunately, the old black paint was still showing a bit. (the color I painted it before I painted it aqua)

No worries. I figured I would try to use the lettering of my graphic to cover it up.

I created this graphic on my computer…

thanksgiving graphic

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I uploaded it to my Silhouette Cameo and cut it out.

Don’t know how to do that?? I wrote an entire post on how to upload your own designs into Silhouette here.

wood drawer front with vinyl graphic laying beside

I’m going to be using this vinyl as a stencil so I removed the lettering.

Then applied the transfer tape over top…

wood drawer with graphic attached

Be sure to line everything up before attaching it to your project.

wood drawer with vinyl attached with transfer tape

I actually cut it out close to the lettering so I could better see to line it up.
I left the backing on while I did this so it would not prematurely attach to the wood. Then once I had it all lined up, I simply lifted up one side at a time to remove the back and attach the vinyl cutout to the wood.

wood drawer front with vinyl cutout on

Then I removed the transfer tape and added my fave FrogTape around the edges to protect when I roll the black paint on.

vinyl cutout on drawer front with green tape protecting around edges


Except…I wasn’t sure if I wanted to paint the letters white or black. Or if I wanted the edge to be white or black. Or if I wanted the word “thanksgiving” to be one color and the small words a different color.
So you know what I did??
I hopped back on my computer and made mockups with the wood in the photo to see which I liked best.
Below is a white frame with black lettering.

wood drawer front ready for paint and phone with image

And this one is a black frame with black lettering.

wood drawer front with phone with image

And this one with small white lettering.

wood drawer front with thanksgiving image on phone

Which I didn’t think would show up well enough on the light wood.

If you noticed, I also couldn’t decide whether to do a capital “T” or lowercase “t” for the word thanksgiving. I even forgot that I had switched it to lowercase when I went back to do these mockups. Oops!
I actually like the way that looks better, I think, but I wasn’t really saying “Thanksgiving” as in the holiday, but more of a sentence with the word “thanksgiving”, so did the lowercase instead. Does that make sense??

And…the all-black lettering and black frame won out!

rolling on the black paint with sponge roller

So I rolled it on. Two coats, drying in between.

So good! But those darn black-edged circles where the hardware was is showing.
Boo…but no worries, I’ll fix that. Keep scrolling. :)

wood drawer front with image painted on

Next, I taped up the top, covering the freshly painted lettering with the backing of the vinyl to protect it.

taping up the top to paint frame

Then taped the edges tightly and straight so I could paint the frame black too.

And done!

finished sign

I haven’t sealed the wood yet and not sure I will. I kind of like the natural look.

Can you see the holes (and the black-edged circle) where the hardware was next to the “k” and the “i”??

up close of sign to see holes disappeared

Not so much, huh?

up close of sign

I used Cobblestone and Rose Water and a tiny, fine-tipped artist’s paintbrush to camouflage them.

The wood had a pinkish hue so I used both of those colors which worked pretty well!

Virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the wood now, yippee!

thanksgiving sign on foyer table

thanksgiving sign on foyer

So happy I could use and showcase the pretty wood without having those two holes ruin it for me!

thanksgiving sign on blue dresser with aqua fabric pumpkins on each side

I love how you first just see the word “thanksgiving”…and then you see the rest.

thanksgiving sign on white quartz shelf

I hope you like this fun update and repurpose using an old drawer front!
With thanksgiving in my heart…yes.

PIN it to save it!

With thanksgiving in my heart, what a beautiful sentiment. And perfect for Thanksgiving too! artsychicksrule.com

Have a blessed weekend, friends! I’ll see you next week with this sweet little find!

UPDATE!! See it now here!!



  1. Your draw front makeover came on very nice. I love the combination of natural wood and paint. I have always loved the combination and have used on furniture I have repurposed many times. I truly love your style and the makeovers you do.

  2. I voted for black/black, I think you made the right choice, Nancy! That font is beautiful and I love the scrolly bits. Fun way to save a piece of wood.

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