Two Tone Side Table Milk Paint Makeover {themed tour}

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I’m sharing a two-tone milk paint makeover today for themed furniture makeover day!

Updated: 5-6-24

Hello friends! Today is “two-tone” day! My friends and I are sharing our two-tone contributions. Hope you enjoy!

Two Tone Side Table Milk Paint Makeover

Here’s how she started out…

dark stained side table

These months sure do fly on by. It seems like I finish one project and the next thing I know it’s time for another!
(there is a group of bloggers who do a “themed” furniture makeover once every month… for any new readers out there that don’t know what I’m talking about)
–to see the previous month’s themed furniture makeovers, click –> here.

So, as it seems, with me anyway, what I first “envisioned” didn’t quite pan out.
I do have hope for the original vision on another piece but it just did not work out for this one.

Here’s what I ended up with instead…

blue and white side table

A little side table with a milk paint makeover.

I didn’t even “clean her up” for the photo. That’s how I got her, all dirty and neglected.

I used  Persian Blue and Snow White Milk Paints to paint this table.

These days I use (and love) Fusion Mineral Paints. Want something similar to this color?

Try these:

BUT anyway…I had originally planned to paint it silver and a really pretty mauve/gray color (bottom shelf and accents) with a bit of decoupage (top).

side table partially painted silver

Isn’t the silver pretty? I was a bit bummed it didn’t work out. And in case you are curious, I ended up not liking the way the paper decoupage was looking with the silver.

So I switched gears…in a really big way.

I did a blue and white milk paint makeover instead!

blue and white side table decorated with coastal finds

two tone side table by window

two tone side table by window with decor styled

And honestly, I’m kind of glad I did. It all works out in the end.

This pretty little table is going outside in between my two white rockers on the front porch.

two tone blue and white table with white chair blue curtains

It will look great out there since the predominant color is BLUE….with white furniture.

Here are a few close-ups of the “stuff” I styled it with.

glass jar of seashells on white painted book

You can never have enough seashells. I don’t think so anyway.
And the book…I actually painted a black book I picked up at the thrift store (it’s not old, don’t worry!), sanded it a bit, and stenciled some words onto it.
Fun little project.

vintage blue bottles

Some of my old blue bottle collection. LOVE.

Close-up corner…

up close corner of table

So there you have it…my “two-tone” contribution.

Blue and white two tone milk paint makeover!

Go check out all of my friends’ “two-tone” projects below too!

And stay tuned to see what I did to this $6 thrift store table next week! (it involves graphics!)

black coffee table before

UPDATE!!! See it now, here!!


ENJOY the rest of the “two-tone” projects from my talented friends below!!!


  1. Love it! I have got to try the General Finishes! Is this only painted with the milk paint, or do you apply any type of top coat with it? I love the painted book idea!!! thanks!

    1. Thanks Melissa!! Yes, you do, I am really loving the paint! This one is only painted in Milk Paint. No finish coat. The guy at the paint store said it is rock solid and doesn’t really need a top coat. It seems to be true! I have used wax and poly as a top coat on other pieces though. This one will stand the true test…it will be outside on my porch. Not directly in weather conditions though.
      It claims interior/exterior so we will see! ;)

  2. Oh my goodness, This table makes me LONG that it was still summer (technically since Michigan didn’t really GET a summer) :) or that I lived somewhere near the beach. Beautiful Job! Now I shall close my eyes and listen for the waves. :)

    1. We did but not either have the typical weather/summer we usually get! I almost feel cheated!! lol 70’s, 80’s is not bad though, I am just used to scorching hot summer days here. ;)
      Living at the coast I am surrounded by all things coastal so love having it in my home. Now to be able to hear the waves too…that would be ideal. I’m close, it’s across the road from me..but not quite close enough!:)

    1. Thanks Michelle! :)
      The floors are Mahogany from Lumber Liquidators. We installed them in our Family Room about 7 years ago. We have really enjoyed them minus the carpet that used to be in there!

  3. Love the colors you painted it Nancy, it’s so fresh and…well coastal! I must try your painted book idea – love it! I like the sounds of the silver and mauve direction you were going as well – the silver looked gorgeous. This is a fun monthly theme you guys are doing. Talk about a bunch of talented ladies!

    1. Thank you Marie :) Oh yes, the book I did awhile back. I need to do more!! Love the look.
      I agree, this is a talented bunch!! It’s always fun to see what everyone comes up with!

  4. nancy you never can go wrong with blue and white she turned out real nice and i love that gorgeous magnifying glass xx

    1. Thanks Chris!! I agree!! Blue and white is my fave (not hard to tell looking around my blog! lol .. but I am trying to branch out a bit though)
      TJ Maxx on the magnifying glass! ;)
      Have a great weekend! xo

  5. Nancy!!!!

    I too have fallen in love with GF Milk Paints!!!! They go on so smooth – the colors are gorgeous! And of course your piece is beautiful (as usual). I’ve been busy buying – now I have to get busy painting! Have you used their gel stain- specifically their Java Gel and their glazes are beautiful!!!!

    Hope all is well!!! <3 <3 <3


    1. Hi Lilli!!
      How are you?! :)
      Yes, me too, same reasons!! I am really enjoying working with it. Thank you!
      And YES …. lol…that is the exact stain I bought. I have used it as a glaze on a really small project but not like I really want to yet!!! Can’t wait. I’m loving it too. And the gel topcoat! Yum!
      All is well..hope all is well with you too! xoxo

  6. This table is perfect. The colors are so soothing! I just picked up a very similar table at a yard sale for $10.00!! Now I know what I’m going to do with it! I may add a little decoupage, just for fun! I am redecorating my family room to a light beachy look so that I will always feel relaxed, like I do at the beach, Great site! I scroll through your projects everyday . Thanks for the inspiration & motivation!

    1. Thanks so much Paula! Yes, I agree…those are some of my favorite colors in decorating lately. How funny you just picked up similar table, same price! ;)
      Great idea on the family room!! I feel the same way! :)
      Have a great week!!!

  7. The table makeover is stunning and your styling is equally gorgeous. It would fit perfectly into our coastal home. I’m sharing it Saturday with my readers with a direct link back here. Does this group of bloggers that do a themed furniture makeover accept new bloggers? It would totally fit into my obsession (and my blog!).

    1. Thanks so much Kathy! :) Oh! and thanks so much for the feature!
      We have a set number in our group, and are at that number, so aren’t looking for any new members at the moment!
      Thanks for asking!! :)

  8. So Pretty! I love the blue two toned choice. I think the silver would have worked out too..but love the blue! ..and yes, just paint your front door girlfriend..I know it will be stunning! :) It’s only paint!

    1. Thanks Wendi! :) Haha…I really need to!! You are right, that is my motto, it’s only paint! I just need to get around to it. (now that’s funny ;) )


  9. Nancy, it’s funny how when something doesn’t work out as you first plan, the next plan can take you in a totally different direction. I love the beachy blue and white. Fun collection once again. Jeanette

  10. OK…. the table is just darling! Looks perfect where you put it! And I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the silver paint! I love, love, love that color!!! I would love to paint something in that gorgeous silver! Please tell me what it is! (Unless you want to save it until you reveal whatever you paint :) )

    And I’m LOVING that book! When I needed some books for one of my shelves, I just covered them in brown Kraft paper. They look pretty cute, but I love your idea so much more! I just got a new can of AS Old White, so I just might have to try it! xo, K

    1. Aw thanks Karen!! :)
      I have no idea what I will paint with the silver yet! I have to find a new piece of furniture for it.
      I know, isn’t the book cute?? I really need to do a blog post on that. I was redecorating a bit one day a few months ago and just decided to paint it for my decor! ;)
      I love the look and the possibilities are endless!

    1. Hi Shelly,
      I did do a light sanding (very light). No stripping. But I had painted it with silver spray paint first. I just went right over that with the Milk Paint.

  11. Oldie but a GOODY!

    What a gorgeous lake cottage color. Talk about the power of paint, huh??

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