French Eggshell Fusion Armoire

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French Eggshell Fusion Paint was the perfect choice for this armoire in our office. Soft, beautiful, and goes so nicely with our new rug!

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

Hello friends!

Well, my last makeover was a hit …or not. lol I know not everyone loved it and that’s okay! We can’t all love all the things. But I do love sharing different ideas or ways of doing things anyway.

I have to say though, I (and both my husband and I) are loving the new look. And all it took was white paint and some decorative vinyl (any kind would work… floral, wood grain, grasscloth, etc). Just apply it to your piece of furniture (or whatever you wish!) for a fun new look. Even if only temporary (in terms of longevity compared to other treatments) it’s fun to change things up sometimes.
I just wanted to give them a new look (and change the color per what else is going on in the room) and this fit the bill. Plus, I am still looking for nightstands to go in their place.
And when I find them, I can simply pull the vinyl off and give the drawer fronts a quick paint of white or any other color to send them off to their new home at some point, right?! For sure.

Anyway, today I’m sharing a very basic (but also very simple) makeover.

This armoire makeover with French Eggshell Fusion Mineral Paint…

Nothing fancy here but simplicity is beautiful sometimes, isn’t it?

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

This is an old armoire that we’ve had for at least around 7-8 years or so. I found it at a garage sale for $10.
It’s since been used in a spare room to hold extra clothes and such.

But since my husband and I both now have new, larger closet spaces, we no longer need it for that purpose.
I considered getting rid of it and then thought it’d be perfect to use in our newly remodeled office space.
Good for keeping things out of sight but still really available.

I’ll share what I’m using it for in a bit.

But first, let’s talk about this Fusion paint again. 

I didn’t have too much prep since this was an unfinished piece of furniture. I simply wiped it down and began painting.
I did use a different brush this time and I liked it much better. I meant to mention that in my other post (the nightstand one) because I used the same brush on that one and it went much better.
So brushes with this paint seem to matter. ( I used one similar to >>> this)
I also made sure my brush was wet and kept a spritz bottle of water close by and used it as needed.

You can find this French Eggshell paint in my online shop, here.

Here is how it looked when I started…

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!


I didn’t even remove the doors or drawers to paint this one. It went so quickly.

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

This was a truly simple painting project. (and I’m telling you that to nudge you to get going on whatever project you might be intimidated to start…just start…you can do it!)

I was done in no time.
And it only took one coat. (for the most part) I did go back over a few areas but it had really great coverage.
I mean what? How amazing is that?

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

This French Eggshell Fusion paint just really covered well. And it’s a gorgeous color.
Very similar to Annie Sloan’s Duck Egg which is a favorite of mine.

Want to know about 26 other chalk style paints?
I’ve got the low down for you right here! >>> 26 Types of Chalk Style Paint For Furniture

And look at that luster…

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

I decided not to top coat this and I don’t think it needs it.

I bought these knobs at TJ Maxx to use on it but decided against them once I got the armoire painted.

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

So I went to check out my stash in the garage and found these…

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!


This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

I’m using this armoire for big equipment like my printer and projector.

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

The printer is large and is an eyesore so it’s nice to have it tucked away. (it’s wireless so that makes it easy)

I have stencils and extra paper/labels in the first drawer.

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

I haven’t filled up the second drawer yet. (haha…I will though!)
I’m still working on the office remodel so everything is still a work in progress.

Like these, I found also at TJ Maxx recently. I will be hanging these above the armoire I think.

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

I have bins on the other side of the armoire for all my florals and such. I plan to stack 2 more bins for fabric and ribbon.

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

Easy to get to and see what is in each.

I will be sharing the whole office soon. (a room I’ve never shared here on the blog before)

I adore the rug. I actually bought it a year or so ago.
This French Eggshell goes so nicely with it. (and so does Ryder, haha!)
You can find the rug >>> here.

He is my constant companion of course!

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!


This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

I’m very much liking the Fusion paints and looking forward to using them more.

PIN it to save it!

This French Eggshell Fusion Mineral paint is a beautiful choice for a large piece like this! And not topcoat needed!

I’ll be sharing this fun makeover next…

UPDATE!! See it now, here!

Have a beautiful (and safe!) weekend friends!




  1. Hi Nancy! Well, I for one thought the nightstands were. Ool. Not dull and drab at all. I have this French Eggshell paint and I cant wait to use it. Fusion is such an easy paint to use and it usually always turns out smooth and satiny. (Not sure that Is a word). Cant wait to see your office.

    1. Hi Cheryl! Thank you so much. :)
      Oh you will love it! It’s so pretty, I’m definitely a fan of this color. Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  2. Funny thing…I thought it looks like it originally did. I think it’s very similar! I like both looks. Looking forward to views of the entire office if you decide to post. 🙂

  3. Simply beautiful makeover! Love the hardware, sooo pretty! I’ve not tried Fusion or even Dixie Belle yet.
    Here’s to a grand weekend!!

    1. Thank you, Christina! Oh my, you need to! I am thinking I will do a giveaway with each of those in the coming months! Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  4. Love the color Nancy and the knob choice was perfect!

    Okay, those night stands were not for me, HOWEVER, they gave me an idea for my waterfall nightstands! And I like your idea of being able to remove the vinyl and redo them yet again!

    Keep the ideas coming,! Much appreciated!

    1. Thank you, Gwen! I am SO happy to hear the nightstand makeover inspired you on one of your projects!! :) Have a beautiful weekend! xo

  5. Love 💕 the color and the hardware couldn’t have been more perfect. Looking forward to trying Fusion.

    1. Thank you, Shirley! Yes!! You need to give it a go! (I’ve decided I’m going to do a giveaway…maybe next month…with Fusion!) Stay tuned! xo

  6. Glad you gave Fusion a second chance-it’s one of my favorites. But it really does matter what brush you use. Your armoire looks beautiful!

    1. I am really liking it more and more … the more I use it. The finish is just beautiful all by itself. That is definitely a plus as well! And yes, the other brush definitely helped. :) Thank you, Jennifer! xo

  7. I really like the eggshell color you used. Subtle, but refreshing. The knobs make the color pop! I have not tried fusion paint, but after your comments and seeing some of your projects painted, I think I might give it a try. The armoire is a great place to hide bulky equipment! I, too, can’t wait to see your office! Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. It’s so soft and pretty, Sue! And subtle is the perfect word for it really. :) Yes, give it a try, I think you will like it! And a bit ole yes to that. Hiding big, bulky equipment sure makes the office prettier! ;) Happy weekend to you! xoxo

  8. I can’t believe you scored that for $10 ! I need to get out more lol !
    Actually not.. as my hubby thinks I’m obsessed with tables already..
    I wish I had stash of your quality! Those knobs and rug were all meant to be..

  9. Hi Nancy, I love the armoire, perfect color and the knobs were perfect….but Im going to have to be a little critical here….You just can’t place a nice piece like that in with Ryder….sorry..hes going to get my vore everytime.😊 He is such a cutie.
    The Night stands were also great. Old saying…”You can please all the some of the time all the time,and all the people some of the time,but you can’t please all the people all the time.Love yours and Christy’s work so much.

    1. Haha, that’s so totally okay, Teresa!! I agree with you! :) Thank you!
      And yes, absolutely right!! Thank you for that! Hugs…happy weekend to you! xoxo

  10. Hi Nancy, I love this piece. Where did you get the knobs and/or what brand are they? I have a piece I’m about the begin working on that knobs like that would look smashing on! Thanks

    1. Thanks, Jewels! I got them from TJ Maxx some time back. Unfortunately, I already threw the box away so I can’t tell you a brand. But if you have a TJ Maxx nearby, keep checking there because that is where I find my most unique looking knobs lately. xo

  11. So pretty! I love pretty knobs. We had a similar armoire in our old house that started out unfinished. It went through a couple of different looks and was a workhouse as a tv armoire for a while with an older style tv, then as an entry cabinet where it held all sorts of things like throw blankets, cameras, flashlights, gloves, lightbulbs, and more!
    They are so versatile!

    1. Thanks, Vicki! The knobs make it, I think! And yes, to that! We’ve had several over the years that were workhorses like that. They just keep on giving! ;) Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  12. Hi Ryder!! He looks like he wishes you would finish and take him for a walk!! Oh my! a new version of aqua! Love it and the sweet knobs! I don’t think the end tables were so bad. The purpose of blogging is to inspire and give different ideas; not all have to be for everyone. The armoire is so functional; love that idea.

    1. Ryder says hi! ;) Yes, he probably does…let’s go play mommy!! haha And yes, more aqua to love!
      And yes, thank you for your thoughtful wisdom here! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! xoxo

  13. Perfect make-over! That color is absolutely gorgeous! I love easy items repurposed to be so utilitarian – hiding ugly office stuff is always a great idea!
    Let’s face it, most office stuff (at least in mine) is fairly ugly!
    And the fancy knob pulls are fabulous with it – ups the fun factor, too.

  14. Love, love, love Fusion Mineral Paint! I’ve been using it for several years on the pieces I intend to keep, it’s a fabulous product and so easy to use. The furniture I paint to resell usually gets a paint job from my stash of other paints. I’m trying to use up what I have, but when I buy paint for furniture it’s almost exclusively Fusion now. It costs a bit more but I found it takes fewer coats and only needs a sealer for heavy use surfaces, like table tops and such. So it probably saves in the long run.
    I think you nailed it with your choice of color for the armoire, so serene. Great job as always!

    1. Yes, I am loving it more and more…the more I use it. :) I love the velvety/satin luster it leaves you with without a topcoat. And you are probably right. Thank you, Susan! xo

    1. Thanks, Beth! I actually considered doing some kind of transfer on it (the butterflies and birds, actually, can’t remember the name but I’ve used part of it on other projects already). I love the one you shared! :) xo

  15. Ryder is the best photo bomber! This is so pretty and I love this color and those knobs! I was surprised at the brush used as I thought synthetic bristles give a smoother finish. Have you tried Dixie Belles new Silk line of paint? It’s a similar type paint to Fusion. Would love a comparison. I thought the end tables were unique and looked great. Modern is so popular now.

    1. Isn’t he?! haha! I know, I never really ever use this brush. I’ve had it for a while but just prefer my angled Purdy style brushes best. But this one did really work better with this paint. So far anyway! I am sure I will give my other brushes another go though. ;) I haven’t tried their new line yet but I am sure I will. I will want to compare them to Fusion too. Thank you so much, Debra! xoxo

  16. Looks lovely, Nancy. And the knobs add that finishing touch. Great way to repurpose a wonderful basic piece. I have several of those in my basement which I plan on re-painting soon. I love fusion paint as well! It goes on smooth and no need to wax or topcoat. Love seeing Ryder by your side always! Such a sweetheart!! Can’t wait to see what you do next!!

  17. Beautiful color and the knobs add just the right touch, Nancy. Love the finish on that paint, it’s on my list to try.

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