My DIY Snow Flocked Tree -2 Years Later (all the details!)
Have you ever thought about adding snow flock to your artificial (or even real) tree? I did a DIY snow flocked tree 2 years ago and thought I’d give a little update on how it’s holding up.
You guys might remember that I did a DIY snow flocked tree a couple of years ago.
I used this Sno Flock. <<< you can find it at the link there.
Here it is the very first year….
And here’s the post with all the details, and the complete “how-to”… “DIY Flocked Tree“.
I was thrilled with the idea and oh how magical my sad little thrift store tree ended up looking with all of that beautiful “snow”.
It truly was not hard to do either, but it was messy.
Definitely something best done outdoors, if possible.
So, how would it hold up, I wondered. No way to find out except to do it, store it, and pull it out the next year. ;)
And so that’s what I did.
When I opened up the storage boxes last year, I was a little worried.
All of the branches smooshed so neatly down inside, lol, surely the snow flocking would not survive that.
But it did! Yay!
I did have some snow loss but it wasn’t as quite as tremendous as I thought it might be.
Here is my tree last year….
Still so magical.
Oh, I should mention, here is the flocking I used for my DIY snow flocked tree (and other things). >>> Snow Flock
And here it is this year…..
I haven’t decorated it yet but will update this post with a photo (for a better comparison with the pictures above) once I do.
I really just wanted to show you up close and personal without all the lights and ornaments.
You can see below there is quite a lot of snow flock still on the branches.
But you can see some areas that have lost of some of their snow flocking….
….some areas more than others.
Even so, still plenty of snowy goodness.
Overall, I am a very happy camper!
It still looks pretty flocked to me.
No, not quite as much as it began with, but enough to still be beautiful.
And so here is what the floor looked like once all branches were in and all branches were “fluffed”. (which, in case you can’t tell, requires lots of messing and moving of those branches ;) )
So, honestly, not too bad considering the amount of branches, etc.
And considering how much flock is on the tree, I’m impressed.
I’ve had commercially applied flocked items (small things from Michael’s and such) that lose flocking worse than this, relative to size, of course.
Just for fun, I thought I’d show you how the tree is stored (aka crammed).
The fact that there is not a ton of snow flock loss may surprise you when you see. ;)
We layer them into 2 of these crates. Yep, all of those branches, in only two of these boxes.
And not only that but also the lights (and there are a lot) that we use on the tree, are on the bottom of one of the boxes.
So that is really cramming the tree into a tight space. ;)
But hey, we are limited on storage so had to!
We have lots of holiday decor so fitting everything in precisely, and as tightly as possible, is definitely a necessity.
Too much stuff. ;)
I’m planning to go through my holiday decor this year when I pack things back up.
Purging what hasn’t been used in a few years and probably giving my daughter a few things for her new place. :)
Now, want to know what really bugs me?
The fact that this tree was a pre-lit tree…with a gazillion colored lights.
I know it was a gazillion because we removed them before I flocked the tree haha…. all because I wanted white lights. Ugh.
So, can you guess what’s coming next?
Yep, I’m wanting a pre-lit (with white lights) tree now.
I would be thrilled beyond thrilled if that’s what I had to begin with.
Firstly, I don’t really want to add those lights every year -or- mess with the branches any more than I have to.
Secondly, it would take a ton of time off of my holiday decorating.
So that’s my tip.
If you are going to search out a tree at the thrift store like I did, find one that is pre-lit.
It will have a longer “snow flocked” lifespan. ;) And after all the time and mess you put into making your tree flocked, you want it to last as long as possible, right?
If you are lucky enough to have a space to put your tree, where you don’t have to pack it in boxes, then I can see it lasting a very long time.
Our friends have a room in a basement to store all their holiday goodies…and the trees upright. My dream!!
Maybe one day.
Except we don’t have basements here. ;) Too close to the coast and they’d be flooded with water.
Okay guys, what do you think?
Have you flocked anything since I first posted about this? I would love to hear about it!
If you haven’t, would you consider doing a DIY snow flocked tree yourself?
Oh, I should mention the other things I flocked also.
You can see them here, “DIY Snow Flocking” (wreaths and more)
They have held up beautifully with even less loss.
So go flock “all the things”!! :)
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I’ll be back on Thursday with a bit of shopping in mind! Come on by to see what kind of goodies I’ve found for you. :)
UPDATE! See them now, here!
Your flocked tree still looks great! When I was reading your post I was thinking, “Oh my goodness, she has to put lights on that thing.” and I was feeling bad for you. Then you wrote about wishing you had a pre-lit tree. I broke down and bought a new pre-lit tree after the one we had for years had light issues. We worked and worked on it but had to resort to adding strings of lights to the bare areas and I got tired of it. My new one, even though it is nice, isn’t as pretty as my old one and my heart kind of sank when I put it up this year. But I’m stuck with it b/c it was a lot of money to spend on a tree.
I look forward to your Christmas posts this year! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thanks Paula! :) I know, haha! I still haven’t put them on yet!! It’s such a chore. I’m thinking a pre-lit one is a definite for me! Hope you have a wonderful day today! xoxo
You know how I feel about your beautiful flocked tree!! And it still looks pretty darn good this year! Can’t wait to see it decorated. And the tip on a pre-lit is a great idea! I bought one after Christmas last year at Hobby Lobby, but not sure if I want to try the flocking on a new tree in case I mess it up (cause you always make everything look so darn easy… and it isn’t always that easy for the DIY challenged!! :) ). Maybe I should get a wreath and try it on that first!! LOL xo
Yes, I do! ;) Thanks I’m pretty happy with how it’s done. But a pre lit is definitely in my future! Yes, try a wreath first, that’s a great idea. Happy Thanksgiving to you! xo
Your flocked tree still looks amazing and can not wait to see it decorated May you and your family have a blessed Happy Thanksgiving
Thank you Norma! I’m slowly getting there! ;) I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving today. xoxo
I would definitely consider flocking a tree after seeing your tutorial three years ago. Now seeing that it’s holding up well, I wouldn’t think twice about it.
Thanks Marie! It was a good choice, for sure!
I’ve been thinking of doing this but I’d have to do it in summer or fall well before Christmas cuz once winter hits where I live, this outdoor project in bitter cold (like -30F) would be impossible to do. ;-)
Not sure I’d like the mess it creates while setting it up in the room either…cuz we have dogs that like to ‘inspect’ what’s going on.
All that being said, your tree truly is lovely!
Oh no, I imagine it’s not!! It can be messy but it’s not really too bad. :) Thank you!