Feather Pillow “Fail” (and a simple “no-sew” fix)

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Have you ever owned a feather pillow? I have and I’ve never encountered this before.
Although, since I first posted about this on Instagram, I’ve heard from quite a few others who have!

I posted a picture of my majorly failing feather pillows on Instagram, 23 weeks ago, to be exact. (thank you IG for the exact date!)
Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Pokey feathers hurt - artsychicksrule.com #nosewAnd I kept meaning to re-stuff them….but……I never got around to it.

That was, until they finally drove me crazy enough to fix. UGH

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Feathers everywhere - artsychicksrule.com  #nosew

I got SO tired of feathers everywhere AND poking me when I leaned on or by them.

Owie, they hurt!

So I finally did it.

Last night at around 10pm. Just as I was sitting down to relax a bit before bed.
Yep. I already had the Polyfil from another project I had yet to complete (or even start) and figured why not?
No time like the present. Plus I was tired of getting poked by their needle-like little ends.

So while my husband watched a DVR’d recording or two of Shark Tank…..I re-stuffed my pillows. :)
(I took a break here or there to watch too. We love that show.)

But it really was that simple and took no time at all. I wish I’d done it sooner.

To get started, I found the original seam……

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Seam to open - artsychicksrule.com #nosew

….and carefully cut the thread to open it up.

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Opening the seam -artsychicksrule.com  #nosew

Oh hey! Surprise of all surprises….the feathers/down were encased IN fabric inside the pillow.
Who would have thought it? Not me, the way they were coming out all over.

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Seam open to remove feather insert - artsychicksrule  #nosew.com

But look at what I found INSIDE when I pulled that out and turned the pillowcase inside out.

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Crazy feathers - artsychicksrule.com  #nosew

Um, yeah. CRAZY.
Those were just waiting to poke through the other side and hurt me!
Bad feathers.

But that’s okay….I replaced all those bad ole feathers with this.
Nice and soft and squishy.

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Polyfil to the rescue - artsychicksrule.com  #nosew

See? Super easy. Just stuff and stuff and stuff some more!

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - filling pillows with polyfil - artsychicksrule.com  #nosew

And then “no-sew” them back together with iron on seam sealer (there are several…I use and have had good luck with Steam-a-Seam for my no-sew projects).

Feather Pillow Fail- a No-Sew Fix - closing seam with no-sew iron on - artsychicksrule.com  #nosew


Or you can sew them. I don’t sew so chose this method. I’m a big fan of “no-sew”. :)

SO much better and like brand new.
Paired up with my other pretty pillow that I adore. That also has feathers in it–>from the same store.
I know, silly, but I LOVED the fabric and figured if they did the same they’d still be worth it to me even if I had to re-stuff them.

BUT, so far so good! No feather leakage yet.

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Finished pillows are now a pass  #nosew - artsychicksrule.com

I really want to white slip cover my couch/loveseat.
Do they make those for leather? Sigh. I don’t think so. I think they’d be too slippery.
Does anyone know? Slip covers for leather furniture? Yes, no?


Anyway, thank goodness, I will not be forever picking feathers up (or getting poked by them) anymore.

Feather Pillow Fail-  a No-Sew Fix - Finished and better than new -  #nosew artsychicksrule.com
You can read about this pretty white french arm chair makeover –>here. (It was blue…until I painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®)

I’m so happy with how they turned out. And I’m so happy it was such an easy and inexpensive fix.

Do you have pillows like this?

Feather Pillow Fail- a No-Sew Fix - artsychicksrule.com  #nosew

Have you ever re-stuffed them like I did? If not, you should!
I loved these pillows, the fabric and the color. I just didn’t love the feathers coming out all over.

Now I can re.love them. I am so happy they are saved. :)

And you can too! Even if you don’t know how to sew…don’t let that hold you back.
I have done quite a few successful “no-sew” projects. You can check them out below.

I’d love to hear about your no-sew project(s)!!

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Be sure to follow me on Instagram if you don’t already!
I always post projects and things I’m working on (like this one)
long before it hits the blog…..
….plus lots of fun (silly!) random daily things too.

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A few of my other NO-SEW projects:

No Sew Curtain Panels - Inexpensive and Easy


















Curtain Panels No Sew


  1. So I’m highly allergic to feathers and can’t have any feather pillows in the house (note to self – being allergic to feathers means also being allergic to the chickens you may be considering buying as pets – but that’s another story), but I think I remember something about using a silk pillowcase liner (with zipper) to keep feathers from doing this. I think the thread count is so high that those little buggers can’t poke through it or something.

    Just a thought for those of you who might be able to use them! :)

      1. Your feather problem is the low thread count fabric that the pillow insert was made from. If you can find “down proof ticking” you can make a pillow cover to put the old insert into then put that combo into the decorative cover. I know I know you don’t sew but the ticking cover is made just using straight lines. I bet there are plenty of tutorials on the web.

        1. Oh that is good to know Janice! I will keep that in mind and yep, I can definitely “no-sew” a pillow insert (I don’t own a machine). I wish they would think of that when they make these pillows! Thanks for the tip. :)

    1. I am highly allergic to feather pillows. It makes it hard when visiting friends who have them. I start getting sick the instant I’m around them.

    1. Same here. My Mom made all kinds of things (clothes for my sister and I, etc) all the time when I was a kid…but it never translated to me! ;) It’s the one crafty thing I don’t do…and don’t want to do!lol


  2. Great tip and I literally cannot buy feather throw pillows anymore because my youngest will constantly pull out the feathers because they annoy him so much and he thinks he is helping me. ;)

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  3. I have definitely had that happen, Nancy, but only with bed pillows. I was so tired of being poked (you’re right… those little suckers hurt!!), I just got rid of them. I’ve never had decorative pillows that had a feather fill. But now if I ever do, I will know how to correct it! I don’t sew, either, so I would definitely have to use the no-sew tape, or get my sister to sew them closed for me! :) xo, K

    1. They do hurt, don’t they!! I was so tired of them I just had had enough! ;)
      Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Hi…about slipcovers for leather furniture…my experience is a definite NO! At least for the stretchy Sure-Fit ones. I don’t know if cotton or white denim would be better, but my leather couch and chair were definitely too slippery for them. I sold the slipcovers on Ebay for quite a discount! Expensive lesson! Hope this helps.

    1. Oh thank you so much for that info Jackie!! That is exactly what I was thinking. Darn. I guess I’ll still consider the IKEA furniture I’ve been eyeing for a while then!


  5. I’ve never messed with feather pillows (or Sasquatch) but I bought a down-filled jacket this winter and everything I wore under it was covered in feathers when I took it off. Maybe I can try this same technique. ;)


  6. I have a slipcover on my leather sofa. It works okay. It does slip in the back but then don’t slipcovers do that? I guess you could put one of those rug grippers between the leather and the slipcover to reduce the slippage. I think a slipcover would look nice on your sofa.

    1. Hi Sue,
      Ohhh, that is good to know. I am sure there is some kind of “fix” for this! ;)


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