Repurposed Magazine Rack (several uses!!)

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You know it’s sometimes the simplest makeovers that are the best. The one I’m sharing today was the definition of simple….a repurposed magazine rack.
And I’d bet you can find them in abundance at any thrift store you visit. 

Repurposed Magazine Rack

Repurposed Magazine Rack

Love repurposed finds? You’ll love this repurposed magazine rack!

But before we get to that, I have to mention all of those that have been in the path of Irma.
Wow, what a crazy storm! I hope any of you affected by Irma are safe and well.
If you stayed, I know it must’ve been nerve wracking. (and even terrifying at times)
It seems that power is out for many and may not read this but know that I am praying for and thinking of you all! xoxo

My husband, son and I were actually in West Palm Beach (and in South Beach, Miami on Tuesday) last week on vacation visiting our daughter who lives there.
We had to cut our trip short Wednesday. Even though I live right on the coast of Virginia and am no stranger to hurricanes, this was different.
Gas was running out and the whole mood was changing. I was really worried we may get stuck there.
Florida is a little tougher to get out of than Virginia. :/
But thankfully we made it out ahead of most and traffic was not too terrible. (we sometimes had to search a bit but found gas, thankfully!)
We had our daughter follow us out because we didn’t want her to stay behind.  (then her car broke down in GA, eek)
I won’t go into all of that but it was not fun.
I know my struggles in no way compares to the devastation and loss of life that this storm left in it’s wake and I am very thankful we made it out and finally got home safely but so saddened by all that destruction it left behind. :(
I pray this will be the last hurricane activity on any of our coasts this season.  Enough with Harvey and now Irma. :(
Blessings to all.


So a simple project was what I needed this month since I was all out of sorts and short on time.

I bought this magazine rack several years ago and actually used it in my bathroom for magazines for a time.
I think I paid a few dollars for it.

It had been sitting in my stash in the garage since we gave our guest bath a new makeover.
I suppose it was just waiting for me to give it a new use. ;)
I’ll include affiliate links to any of the products I’ve used below.

I grabbed it up and gave it a brand new life….as something else completely.

Repurposed Magazine Rack

I pulled out my handy little screwdriver and removed all the wood parts. (this took all of a minute)

Then gave them a coat of white satin spray paint and a little sanding to bring some of that brown wood back through.

Want to hear a little funny story about this project? ;)
I had made dinner for my daughter and her boyfriend in between doing this project and as we were cleaning up from dinner, my husband brought in the wood pieces I’d sprayed white earlier.
They were out back where I’d left them to dry. I had given them a light coat of paint and liked the look of the wood grain showing through all over.
He said, “I added a few more coats of paint to your boards because it didn’t look like it had covered well.”
Hahaha….I said, “oh, that’s the look I was going for. I wanted the wood grain showing through.”
Oh my, so funny. Poor fella, he thought he was helping me out. And he was, in his own way. :)
And that is why I said above “a coat of spray paint” because that’s all I had intended. My sweet hubby added “coats”. lol
Anyway, I just ended up sanding them to bring out some of the wood texture and color instead. ;)

Here they are all put back together and…..done!

Repurposed Magazine Rack

Like I said, simple.
The thing that took the longest was waiting for the paint to dry.
And that was pretty quick too. ;)

It think it’s the perfect spot for holding hand towels.

Repurposed Magazine Rack

If you are new here, you can read about the Nautical Pallet Wood Coat Rack, here.

You might remember I used a tin to hold towels here…..

Repurposed Magazine Rack

I think the iron colored metal and white painted distressed wood goes perfectly in here.

Repurposed Magazine Rack

For more information on anything in our newly renovated Coastal Farmhouse Laundry Room, click here.

Repurposed Magazine Rack

You could really use it for anything!
I’ve seen these used for cutting boards, or metal trays/pans, etc.

Or you could even just use it for it’s intended purpose, magazines, if you like.

Either way, it’s just another example of decorating your home on a budget.
See something you like at the thrift store but don’t like the color?
Bring it home and add a little paint! :)

PIN it so you don’t forget it! 

Repurposed Magazine Rack

Repurposed Magazine Rack


But that’s not all! Today is Trash to Treasure Transformation Tuesday so my friends are sharing their trashy treasures too!

  1. Prodigal Pieces
  2. Confessions of a Serial Do It Yourselfer
  3. Bless’er House
  4. Girl in the Garage

Want to see even more Trash to Treasure makeovers? Click here.


I’ll see you all back here on Thursday with some Fall goodies. :) (Update! Get them now, here!)




  1. I’m glad that you and your family were able to get out of Florida safely. That must have been nerve-wrecking to have to search for gas, drive in heavy traffic, and then have a vehicle break down.

    I love the new look you gave this magazine holder.

  2. Glad to hear you all survived the hurricane, despite the challenges. This little basket looks so different now that it’s painted and it perfectly fits your style!

  3. This turned out to be the perfect piece for the job! Love the way it looks on your counter. Also really like the shelving brackets that you used on your laundry makeover. Can you disclose where you got them? I want to copy your idea, pipe rod and all. Right now I have a shelf with a sagging wooden rod that I want to replace. Thanks and keep the inspiration coming!

    1. Thanks Mary Ann! The brackets are actually from IKEA, called EKBY. The rod came from Target. You can find the full source list at the very bottom of this post, HERE. :) I was a bit unsure about the brackets at first but I really love them! :) xo

  4. I’m so glad you made it out okay, Nancy! It’s so heartbreaking seeing the coverage of Harvey and now this. I can’t even imagine what so many are going through.

    I LOVE this awesome idea for using a magazine rack. And the white made such a difference!

  5. I loved the hubby story. My hubby thinks the same way (he IS an engineer after all) :)
    Your project turned out beautifully!
    Another option, instead of the wood, would be to add “chicken” wire or some decorative grate material. Yours is beautiful though!!

  6. It’s such a gorgeous piece! I’d love to find something like that around my parts. I love it white but I also loved it brown. With what you’ve done with it, it’s perfect in the white!

    1. Thank you Shirley! :) Yes, I agree, it really didn’t look too bad black and brown either! :) xoxo

  7. Oops! I really like the addition of the magazine rack. It adds texture and height to that area. My husband always wants to “help” also. I’ll be waiting for a new project.


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